Publisher Tools

Our easy to use publisher tools help you optimize your earnings and focus on results.

Advanced Campaign/Creative Search
Our advanced search capabilities allow you to perform a more detailed search for a campaign or creative. Searchable features are campaign type, category, banner type, or “other criteria”.  Deactivated campaigns can also be viewed from this feature.

Program Search
Our program search function allows you to search for advertiser profiles, including a description of their program, payout and advertiser-specific available campaigns.

Banner Rotator
Our Banner Rotator technology enables you to create self-optimizing banner rotators that optimizes according to what makes you the most money.  This provides you with code and the selection of creative to rotate multiple pieces of creative within your website, newsletter, or email.

Optimized Rotators
These rotators are designed by the advertiser and enable you to rotate ads on your website by using one simple code. The ads in this rotator are based on performance and the rotator serves the ads that perform the best on your site.

View Customized Landing Creative Stats
This provides you with search parameters to look up statistics on the customized landing page creative that you have setup.

SubID Privacy
This tool provides you the ability to manage the privacy of your subID data from the network.

Coreg Pool Setup
You can create and manage your own coreg pools.

Get Data Feeds
This provides you with an interface to download a data feed. A data feed is a listing of products and associated links that you can use to programmatically use to create a custom product listing for your website.

Web services/API:
Plug our system directly in to your existing infrastructure, for easy access to the most relevant statistic and campaign information.


  • Live statistic 24/7
  • Optimize the information to your specific needs
  • Add SubID, keyword data and AdRotator information, so you are always aware of what makes you earn money

Learn more about the SmartResponse Network