Agency Campaigns

Our Account Managers at SmartResponse create customized performance based campaigns for your clients, by setting up full affiliate programs or by creating campaigns.

Our affiliate programs are slightly different than our client’s ad hoc campaign requests. For affiliate programs, various ad formats, including text links, logos, and promotional/branding banner ads, are made available through our affiliate network to be ran by our publishers on a 100% performance base, with no pre-set budget.

Targeted email campaigns are initiatives with a limited timeframe and set budgets. We partner with our advertisers and agencies to create campaigns that are designed to run for a limited time, with a specific target goal and budget. We are experts at designing and delivering specific campaign goals.

Examples of these types of strategic campaigns include:

  • Inviting users to participate in competitions.
  • Designing custom surveys (for market research / for collecting quality leads)
  • Newsletter subscriptions
  • Limited time trial packages
  • Drive traffic to microsites
  • Geo-targeting and/or specific behavioral targeting

Our team of experienced onilne marketing professionals serve as your strategic partner and as an extension of your client’s marketing team. We’ll set performance expectations, provide strategic campaign framework for optimized campaigns and deliver results for your clients.

Learn more about our
Campaign types
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Selected Advertisers

  • Bonnier Publications
  • Arla
  • Peugeot
  • Canal Digital
  • TDC
  • Yves Rocher
  • BT
  • Vattenfall
  • Fiat
  • Telenor
  • Volkswagen
  • OK
  • Viasat
  • Norwegian